Call us: (203) 261-6114


Headstones and memorials in Monroe

(203) 261-6114
There are a few basic decisions that are involved with the purchase of any memorial. Most importantly, style, size, material, finish, and design make a difference for the end result. Typically you will select options in these areas based on your preferences, but in some cases these decisions may be made automatically for you due to cemetery restrictions.  We are your local provider of headstones, so please call us for more information on options available to you!
Blank tombstone

We can help you decide

What would you like? What would the person whose name will be on the headstone have preferred? The choices can be overwhelming but we are happy to talk you through all the choices and make sure that you make the best possible decisions. Please do not hesitate to ask us about options or special wishes – that is why we are here. 


Many different materials can be used to create headstones. Today, marble, granite and bronze are the most commonly used materials. Marble and granite are natural materials, while bronze is a man-made metal. In order to provide you with the best and most durable results, we work with the finest granite and bronze available. 


In addition to the material used, the finish makes a big difference for the appearance of a headstone. A polish creates a smooth and glass-like finish, a steeled or frosted finish is smooth but non-polished, a rock pitch is rough and a sawed finish is semi-smooth. No need for you to be an expert on all the options – call us and let us help you out! 
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