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Monument creation in Monroe

(203) 261-6114
The origin of the word “monument” comes from the Latin word for ‘remind’, ‘to advise’ or ‘to warn’. Thus, a monument allows us to remember and to look into the future, into what may come. Nowadays, a monument is often also created to commemorate a person or important event. Think about it – what or whom would you like future generations to remember? 
Let us create a monument for you, call today!
Blank tombstone with flowers

Reasons to get a monument

Perhaps there is something in the history of your family, social group or culture that you would like to commemorate? Something you would like future generations to know about? A monument is the perfect way to achieve just that. A monument often increases the aesthetic, or perhaps even financial, value of its surroundings by adding a dignified touch. 

Pros of a monument

Unlike books, letters and other fragile objects, monuments stand the test of time. They really will be there for future generations to see. Monuments can be made out of a variety of materials, but they are all designed to be durable. Ask us about the options available!

Why get a monument from us

We have been creating monuments for a long time, since 1840. Those monuments, including some in Gettysburg, PA from 1880, are still standing. That means that what we do, we do well. We want to work with you to make sure the monument conveys exactly what you want it to convey, so call us today to start the process. 
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